Well here we are 2018 has shown up and man we’re almost finished up with the first month! I just wanted to let everyone know what’s in store for Ashleigh Donahue Photography for this year since the last time I posted.
I just wanted to start out though by thanking every person who called, texted, sent a card, flowers or just prayed for me. Back on December 28th the Lord called my grandma to be with him in heaven. My life changed quickly within two months & even though I miss that woman like crazy, I know she is cancer free and watching over me. I guess it’s just been a little harder than I thought because she was around us 24/7 and always over my shoulder watching me work on wedding pictures or my favorite “I found this to use in your pictures”. With that said, I feel like the love and feelings behind my photography has grown even MORE.
So here’s what you will see MORE of..
MORE one on one pictures of you and your family laughing, hugging & smiling when I’m behind the camera.
MORE communication from me because friendship is way more important than just a signature on a paper.
I want MORE education on improving my photography to better serve you which means I’ll be heading to live workshops (this I’m excited about!)
I’ve been craving MORE time with friends and family so I plan on finally putting down my phone after dinner and putting my focus on them and get ready for the next steps in my own life.
I really am excited about the growth of my photography but PUMPED about all the goodness that God is bringing into my life. The past few months have been a struggle personally but thankfully I have my friends at work, family at home and my photography clients that have made the past few months a lot easier to handle.
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