First off I just want to say, I’m not perfect and secondly I’m not a bible pusher. I’m one of those people I learn and look up to people who live the right way with a great soul. Being kind to others, being up front and honest, telling it how it is but with a good heart behind it. Living the way the bible says to instead of preaching to me how to live it. So, I started this devotional called “The Lipstick Gospel” by Stephanie May Wilson. Friends, it’s a game changer. It’s like one of those books that you connect with and just get it. One of the days really stuck out to me though. It went on about what you are thankful for. When I started, I thought to myself great it’s another book telling me to count my blessings. GREATTTT….Something was different this time around, Stephanie goes onto explain, if we start each day saying out loud and writing what were thankful for our attitude and mindset will start to change. You start out with 15 things you’re thankful for and continue throughout the day writing them down. Starting out with “I’m thankful for this hot cup of coffee.” Thinking to myself I have nothing to lose, why not try it. I mean what’s the worse that it could do, make me more thankful?!
So I started the list at 6:04 am thinking this will be super lame and basic
I’m thankful for…
Then when I was driving to work, I felt grateful. I laughed to myself about Gus biting my toes but I’m thankful for that. I’m grateful for these tiny little memories that make me grow closer to him. All day when something happened small or big, I thanked God for it. Lately I have been able to feel a difference in myself. I happier me. Before I knew it the next day came and on top of that devotion, I added to my list. A lot of times I catch myself complaining more of what I don’t have instead of seeing what’s been given to me. I’m really good at doing that and for once I’m seeing my mindset shift. If you’re reading this and you’re having a rough day or going through a hard season, say out loud what you’re thankful for. Even if it’s “I’m thankful for just sitting here doing nothing.” I know I love it when I get quiet time or can just go grab a drink with a friend!
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