This series is to hopefully inspire you or just get to know me. If anything, that it may be comforting in your own season of life that you’re going through. I have been through the good, the bad, the ugly and the broke! I’m not perfect but I’ve learned a lot of life lessons through this season of my own life. Each week, I’ll be talking about my journey of becoming a wedding/lifestyle photographer. I have no idea how long this series will last but I pray it can make you laugh or see how real it is in another persons life!
I’m not sure when it hit me, that knowing of wanting to be a photographer. I couldn’t shake the feeling though. I would dream about being someone’s photographer but that was about it. Little did I know, God was working on making that dream a reality! 2014 was about to be a wake up call!
The alarm clock did that annoying noise letting me know morning was here. It was time to get ready to head to my full time job. Remembering to throw my change of clothes and apron in a bag because I had to go serve tables that evening. On my lunch break, I started to search schools regarding photography. That’s when midlands technical college appeared and offered a night class twice a week for 3 months. I sat there, thinking how in the world could I do this. Is this even for me? Then that feeling I couldn’t shake overwhelmed me. The class was $500. Now I know that doesn’t sound like much but I was living with roommates, paying bills and life in general. With a little help and a lot of praying. Finally, I decided to take the class. I look back and I have no idea how I did it. I went to work Monday through Friday, 7:00-4:30. Then classes Tuesday and Thursday 6:00-9:00. Served tables Monday, Friday and Sundays. Include trying to have a life.
During this class, I had projects weekly and knew NO ONE. I sat beside this girl who was about my age and I remember how amazing her work was. I kept thinking, ugh I’m not good at this, I mean look at her work! Before I knew it, we became friends! Sharing our strengths, weaknesses and laughed at how some of the material just didn’t make sense. By the end of the program. I made friends with everyone in that class. Not knowing at that time, how I would end up working along side one of them, who would introduce me to one of my AMAZING ADP couples!! (don’t worry I’ll be talking all about that)
FINALLY! I finished my program and received my certificate. Ohhh, how I thought I knew it all. Little did I know the work and emotions that would go into owning your own business. I had a bridge camera to start off with. A simple camera, not much to it. My aunt was so kind to let me use her Canon Rebel to practice with because I was not really educated in the camera world. I would ask my sister, my friends and anyone who would let me, practice on them. I had an idea of what kind of photographer I wanted to be but wasn’t sure how to get there.
Then my first engaged couple happened…..
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