When thinking of the BIG DAY of your wedding you want to leave the guessing game out of the equation. What time do we need to be dressed? When do the groomsmen take photos? Did we get the Grandparents in photos? So many small pieces come together to one beautiful day but not without the […]

I seriously can not believe Cody and I are celebrating our one-year anniversary! I feel like I blinked and we’re here. This year of marriage has taught me a lot about myself and how to trust in what God’s plans are. The day after our wedding, we headed up to the urgent care to have […]

I met Katie a few years ago, when she asked me to photograph her RN graduation! That’s when I met her sweet boys and mom. We all walked around getting to know one another and celebrating Katie’s success! Few months went by and Katie told me she was engaged!! I had already knew ALL about […]