I’m catching myself writing this to you as I sit on the couch eating Oreo’s with Cody. One month away from getting married. I think to myself in just a few short weeks my seasons are about to change once more. From being an engaged couple to newlyweds! It flies by quicker than you realize and there is so many amazing things that happen within that time.
Here’s a few things I wanted to share about being engaged. A lot has come from this season I’m in now and some has come from past brides and friends!

The BIG day has come, the love of your life got down on one knee and asked “Will you marry me?!” Before those tears of excitement roll down your cheeks you shake your head and say YES at the same time!
- ENJOY BEING ENGAGED – Remember why you said YES. What were the reasons you wanted to marry this person. If you do that you will LOVE this time in your life.
- Give yourself a GOOD month before starting the wedding planning – You will catch yourself scrolling through Pinterest and planning your dream wedding. Then before you know it your feeling a little overwhelmed. DON’T let something like that take the joy from you. Planning a wedding DOES have it’s fun times. Just give yourself grace.
- Continue to DATE – this is a HUGE one. Pick one night out of the week to sit down together and hang out. Talk about everything BUT wedding planning. Try new things and make new memories and even traditions to take into your marriage.
- Let others celebrate you – People are going to want to take you out to celebrate! GOOOO! Let them enjoy this special season of your life with you two. It’s so much fun to hear how they see you guys as a COUPLE!
- Remember the other person – Check on one another. One person may be super relaxed while the others mind is going a 1000x mph. See how you can help and always always always communicate!
- Be upfront with one another at the beginning – talk with each other about the hard stuff. Things like the wedding budget, who’s going to be in charge of what, reality vs non reality and normal DAY TO DAY living. Remember you both have jobs and normal daily responsibilities while planning a wedding.
- Last but not least! TAKE IT ALL IN – I catch myself day dreaming about marriage with Cody. I think about all the fun things we have been doing while engaged and can’t wait to enjoy it as his wife. I think about the road that has led me to this life with him and man oh man I’m thankful. I picture in my head how Cody’s day went when he picked out my engagement ring. What was he thinking, what was I doing. How did he play it off so cool. Then I grin to myself because what a sweet thought I can always think about when I’m having an off day or just can’t get over how much I love this man.

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