During COVID-19 I wanted to bring some kind of joy to everyone’s “new normal.” The thought behind this was to show your family 20 years from now what was going on in this portrait! Savannah + Cam another past ADP bride and groom of mine! Asked me to come over and photograph all the new things going on. Cam actually travels a lot for work. So he’s finally getting to stay home for a bit and see his family! And did I mention their cute golden retriever puppy Wally!
What have you been doing during your time at home?
I’ve still been working my normal 8-5 schedule Monday-Friday! But in my downtime I’ve been crafting, Netflix binging, and playing with my new puppy!
What have you enjoyed while being at home?
Being able to get creative!!! I’ve painted, learned to cross stitch, made blankets, etc. Also, I’ve had more time to clean, so I’m trying to work my way through the house and get things nice and neat (which I love doing)! Plus, being able to cook at home and go a little out of the box has been nice.
What have you been watching lately?
My friend created a show list for me of things that I need to watch, so I’m working my way through that (I’m REALLY bad about watching the same shows on a loop— thank goodness Friends isn’t available to me right now…) so I’m currently watching ‘Turn: Washington’s Spies,’ but when I need background noise I’ve been watching Parks & Rec/Sex and the City/Gilmore Girls!
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